Being Seen, Heard, Appreciated and Understood

I woke up this morning thinking about the fact that in any relationship, whether it be your husband or wife, boyfriend girlfriend, your parents, your friends, your co-workers, that I feel happiest is when I feel seen. When I feel heard. When I feel appreciated. And when I feel understood.
Good morning, everyone and welcome to the Bed Head Chronicles.

I woke up this morning thinking about the fact that in any relationship, whether it be your husband or wife, boyfriend girlfriend, your parents, your friends, your co-workers, that I feel happiest is when I feel seen.  When I feel heard.  When I feel appreciated.  And when I feel understood.

When I'm getting all these things, I truly feel like I can achieve anything.  I can be my very best self every minute because you feel full.  You feel full of these incredible feelings of just being seen, heard, appreciated and understood.

So, when you think about your relationships -- and we all go through struggles. Again, whether that be in our marriages or friendships or at work, whatever it is, we all go through struggles. And if you think in those moments of struggle, "Am I making this person feel heard? Am I seeing them? Am I appreciating them and showing them my appreciation? And, am I, at least, trying to understand where they're coming from?"

If you follow these principles -- if in every interaction your goal becomes to offer those four beautiful gifts to whoever you're interacting with, I guarantee you that your interactions will be so much more fulfilling, successful, and they'll just give you the most incredible feelings. For all of us. Think about this mostly for yourself, you know, when we feel heard, when we feel seen, when we feel appreciated and when we feel understood, there's no greater feeling in the world.

So, it's moments that, perhaps, you don't feel any of these things -- there are ways of communicating that with your partner, with your friends or with your co-workers, to help them understand. And the best way of communicating that is being that and doing that for them. And when they feel that appreciation, they feel seen, they feel heard and they feel understood, they're going to want to instinctively give that right back to you.

I hope this helps everyone have an amazing day and thank you for listening to the Bed Head Chronicles.

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