Being Given a Difficult Diagnosis

Today, I want to talk about when somebody in your life -- or you, yourself -- somebody that you love or someone you just hear about is given some really bad news.
Good morning, everyone.  And welcome to the Bed Head Chronicles.

Today, I want to talk about when somebody in your life -- or you, yourself -- somebody that you love or someone you just hear about is given some really bad news. 

Just last week, I was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia. I don't want you to feel sad for me or pity me because I truly believe that God only gives us what he knows we can handle. We are given things that will take us to a whole new level spiritually with the things that we learn and the things that go through us during these challenging times.

I am going to get through this. I am going to make this my most beautiful victory. I am going to find a way to use the word "leukemia" or "cancer" be something that people don't feel weakened but allows us to strengthen amidst the challenge. I truly believe that through this process at working at getting through this and getting it out of my system, there will be so many beautiful things that I experience along the way. One of them, already, is the incredible depth of love in my relationships -- with my wife, mom, dad, sister, my mother-in-law, my sister-in-law, my beautiful close friends who mean everything to me. The depth of love and caring is beyond magical.

I often said in my talks who a lot of us don't start living until we're faced with our own mortality or someone we love is facing their own mortality. That we don't truly live until we feel we may not have our life forever. We realize the fragility of it...

Sorry, I got cut off there...

I have always been someone that wants to live life to the fullest every minute.  I love my life now.

There was a time when I was terrified and in a really rotten place when I was about 18 years old.  I didn't think I can handle it anymore. You all know this story when I read the book, Unlimited Power, by the amazing Tony Robbins. It completely changed and saved my life at that time because it made me realize I was in charge of my own experience of life. If I wanted to be happy, it was up to me. It all depended on what I focused on, the meaning I gave things and what I chose to do about it. 

Since then, I've really lived my life in finding the gift in every moment, appreciating the beauty all around us, finding the gift in every struggle; that's been the way that I live my life. I am so grateful for that because being faced with this diagnosis, I know that if I focus on all the solutions and not the problem, that's going to help me. If I focus on all the beauty like the deep and rich relationships -- this incredible deep love and passion that I share with those closest to me -- it's such a beautiful gift. There are so many gifts that will rise from this struggle. Being able to understand that I've always been a great giver, but I've always really struggled to receive, to take in love and take in what really makes me feel so good to give -- this is the lesson in that. This will bring greater depth and beauty into my life by not only being able to give but to truly receive and believe that I deserve this love, care, and support.

There are so many beautiful gifts that will come from this struggle.  We all know that living in a beautiful state comes from being able to empower yourself in every moment with thoughts of gratitude, of love, of aliveness.  Focusing on abundance and the things that empower us to be able to do more, be more, create more and feel more joy, rather than focusing on the things that drain us and deplete us of our energy.

Yes, acute myeloid leukemia is not something anyone wants to hear. But I know that I have everything inside of me. The love and support around me, and the incredible doctors, I know I will get through this.

Am I scared? Yes, I am scared. I know there's going to be some really tough moments that will probably bring me to my knees.  That's scary.  But I also know that I have been scared before.  I've been scared and terrified before, and every single time  I made it through. Every single time I found my courage or developed even more courage. I found a way to get to the other side. And that's exactly what I'm going to do right here.

I love you all so much. I can't thank you enough for your love, support, prayers, and your thoughts. They mean absolutely everything to me.

For all of you, whether you are someone that's dealing with a bad prognosis or someone in your life is having to go through this, we all need to put our focus and thoughts to a place that will bring us healing, energy, love, and light. Do not sit in spaces that bring us down, weaken us and make us even more vulnerable.  We need to be strong. We need to be positive. We need to focus on solutions. We need to focus on the gift in every struggle. We need to be living in a beautiful a state as we can so that we can bring all our power, our life force, our love, our energy into creating the outcome we all want, and that is healing, living, thriving and being the very best that we can be in this beautiful gift of life that we have all been blessed with.

Thank you, everyone. I love you. I will keep posting Bed Head Chronicles. I actually have a separate thing going that I just keep recording and stashing away, which is my Cancer Chronicles. I think it's empowering to say the word cancer. It's okay. Many of us go through this, and I hope to be able to talk about it in a way that strengthens people. To give them the energy, inspiration and life force inside to truly breakthrough and get rid of any disease that they're faced with.

I love you all. Thank you and have an amazing day.

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