Be Generous With Your Heart

Today, I want to talk about going into every relationship in your life thinking about what you can give, not what you can get. If you want to sure fire way to go through your day without being disappointed by anyone, the best way to do that is to truly keep your focus on what you are bringing into every single relationship -- whether it's your husband or your wife or your friendships or your family members or your co-workers or somebody that's working for you.
Welcome to the Bed Head Chronicles.

Today, I want to talk about going into every relationship in your life thinking about what you can give, not what you can get.  If you want to sure-fire way to go through your day without being disappointed by anyone, the best way to do that is to truly keep your focus on what you are bringing into every single relationship -- whether it's your husband or your wife or your friendships or your family members or your co-workers or somebody that's working for you.

If you're expecting something from someone, say, for instance, you have someone that's doing work for you, think about what can you give them that's going to inspire them or make them even better or make the work that they do even more incredible. What can you give to every single person that you come in contact with today and every day?

If we're constantly thinking about what we can give to the world, you will find that you get so much more.  Not only what you hoped for, but more than you could ever imagine in return.

Tony Robbins told me years and years ago that you don't go into a relationship to get something.  That will never end up giving you what you hope for.  We go into relationships to give something -- to give our love, to give our support, to give our inspiration, to give of ourselves, to be a gift, to be a blessing.

If you think about every single person in your life, whether it's family or someone you've just met, and you think about what you can give this person to either Inspire them, to help them be better, or to make their day a little bit happier, you will find that what you receive in return is beyond anything you can imagine. 

In life, let's see how generous we can be all day every day with sharing our hearts, our souls and our spirits.

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