Achieving Your Dream

Do you have dreams that you want to make come true? Well, this is what's required. You MUST get out of your comfort zone every single day. Live there, even. You MUST be afraid. But do it anyway. Have that fear fuel you. Have that fear tell you 'This matters to me'.
Welcome to the Bed Head Chronicles.

Today, I'm going to take you out into the Team Sirius pain cave where you're going to see two of my top athletes: Captain Ellie Salthouse and Jodie Robertson.  They are the perfect example of doing whatever it takes to make your dream come true.

Do you have dreams that you want to make come true? 

Well, this is what's required.  You MUST get out of your comfort zone every single day.  Live there, even. 

You MUST be afraid.  But do it anyway.  Have that fear fuel you.  Have that fear tell you 'This matters to me'. 

You've got to, not only, get out of your comfort zone.  Not only be afraid and do it anyway.  You've got to be willing to fail because when we fail when we fall short of what we're trying to do, that's when we learn.  That's when we grow the most.  That's when we learn more about what we need. 

These girls and every single one of my athletes does this every single day.  If you have a dream that you want to come true, you MUST be willing to lay your soul down for that mission.

This is what these girls and every single one of my athletes does every single day.  So, I'm going to take you in so you can see them.  Here are some of my many athletes that have done the same.

They are in the recovery part. 

What time do they get up?  The crack of dawn.  You know why?  Because there's no time to waste.  You have dreams you want to accomplish?  You wake up early.  You have to make sacrifices.  You do what needs to be done to make your dream come true.

These athletes do that every single day, and you can, too. 

If it matters enough, you'll get it done.  Make a decision today that will help you get closer to achieving your dream.  Make a decision today and every single day after.  Think about the one thing you can do on that day that's going to bring you closer to achieving your dreams.  You got this!

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